Cold Outreach:

Compliment recent accomplishment


This template is engaging because it centers around them, not you. This email also cuts to the chase without being pushy. You engage the prospect immediately by focusing on their accomplishments. After you have their attention, you propose how your product or service can benefit them by asking for their frame of reference. To finalize it off, you offer flexible scheduling that centers around their agenda. The template has a positive tone that turns you into a trusted advisor rather than a straight seller.


Congrats on {!Recent accomplishment}


Hi {!First name},

Congratulations on {!describe recent personal or company accomplishment}. I hope you and your team are taking some time to celebrate the accomplishment.

I’m sure you’re very busy, but I’d love to get your take on how could {!solve a specific problem they’re facing or provide a specific benefit they need}.

Do you have 10 minutes sometime over the next couple weeks to chat? More than happy to work around your schedule or to try again at a more convenient time, just let me know.

All the best and congrats again!

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