The Best Cold Email Templates [Updated 2021]
Gwen Lamar
- 1. The Beyonce Effect: Compare Their Hero To Your Product
- 2. Use Their Sports Enthusiasm To Your Benefit
- 3. Catch Their Attention By (Acknowledging and) Breaking the Norm
- 4. Save the Day By Stepping Up When Competitors Aren’t
- 5. Send Your Recipient Help (But Don’t Bombard Them)
- 6. Use Statistics in Your Cold Email Template To Show Them They’re Not Alone
- 7. Do Their Homework For Them To Win Their Trust
- Takeaways
A cold email template makes everything less awkward.
Because we all know that “just saw someone in the grocery store” feeling.
Below are 7 templates (with examples) that pave the way so you can focus on what matters: personalizing the details and winning the reply.
Let’s dive into our favorite email templates:
- Cold Email Template 1 — The Beyonce Effect
- Cold Email Template 2 — Using Sports Enthusiasm
- Cold Email Template 3 — Catching Attention by Breaking the Norm
- Cold Email Template 4 — Stepping Up When Your Competitors Aren’t
- Cold Email Template 5 — Send Your Recipient Help
- Cold Email Template 6 — Using Statistics
- Cold Email Template 7 — Win Trust
1. The Beyonce Effect: Compare Their Hero To Your Product
Yesware SDR Saniat Sheikh leveraged his prospect’s interest in Beyonce to book a meeting. By comparing Yesware’s service to an idol (and adding humor) he got a response.
Here’s Stephanie’s response to the cold email outreach:
Cold Email Template:
Hi {!First Name},
Based upon your {!social media}, you’re a fan of {!idol} – inspiring me to reach out to you here.
What would {!idol} be without {!point of relation}? {!Funny commentary}.
{!My company} is the {!idol} of {!industry or market niche}. Our platform provides {!benefit 1} and {!benefit 2}. Features like {!feature 1}, {!feature 2}, and {!feature 3} make your team {!benefit 2} – making them ready to boost their fame (much like {!idol} and their team).
{!First name} – might you be willing to connect for just a few minutes to talk about how we can get your team onto {!idol}’s level?
2. Use Their Sports Enthusiasm To Your Benefit
Sports are a simple metaphor for success. You can get more replies by grabbing their attention with their favorite team and then looping it back to what you’re emailing about.
Here’s an example that scored Sales Manager Dave Saccardo a reply when he was a SDR:
And here’s the response Dave got:
Cold Email Template:
Hi {!First Name},
I see that you’re a {!team} fan, so you must be excited about {!player} {!player’s achievement}.
As {!company} continues to scale, your {!department} team needs {!pain point that you solve for} just as {!how same point applies to team}. We’re the {!player} of {!industry/market niche}…{!funny comparison}.
{!First Name}, I’d love (if possible) to be referred to the best person on your {!department} team to introduce {!Your Company} as a mean to hit your {!goal}.
3. Catch Their Attention By (Acknowledging and) Breaking the Norm
As soon as buyers recognize the typical cold email, they delete it from their inbox. To avoid that fate, salespeople need to avoid that type of messaging.
One way is to acknowledge the reality while explaining why they should stop and listen to your outreach when they’ve deleted so many others.
Here’s an example of a prospecting email template Content & Engagement Manager Elise Musumano received. Watch how Haley breaks the norm to make her cold email stand out:
What to do:
- Don’t beat around the bush: Direct communication has benefits and can result in quicker action. By laying your cards out on the table, you get faster results.
- Personalization: The personalized email includes intricate details that help Elise envision working with Haley because of their similarities.
- What’s in it for them: Haley offers a leftover Bluetooth speaker in exchange for a call with Elise. Why? People are more likely to act when they know it’ll benefit them.
Cold Email Template:
Hi {!First Name},
{!Your Name} reaching out from {!Your Company} – {!Shared detail}.
Yep, this is another #coldemail that says who I am and asks for a meeting; but I’ve {!specific research you’ve done on person}.
{!Connection/uncommon commonality}.
{!Details of your service} – does this sound like something of value to {!Company} or maybe something you’re actively looking for?
Here is {!piece of content}.
Are you open to chatting next week? {!Incentive to call}.
Pro Tip: The subject line of your cold email is crucial for gaining attention in your prospect’s inbox.

4. Save the Day By Stepping Up When Competitors Aren’t
Take your competitor’s weakness as an opportunity. If you see that a competitor is having issues, show up as their knight in shining armor to help.
Here’s an example how you can use the power of persuasion (and good timing) to grab their attention:
What works:
- Hitting a pain point: Justify their frustration with the competitor and alert them there’s a solution.
- Social proof: Naming other well-known clients builds your credibility.
- “Stability, security, and reliability”: Use words that will make them feel safe.
Cold Email Template:
Hey {!First Name},
We’ve been hearing from several existing {!Competitor}’s customers that they’ve been experiencing significant application performance issues recently. We can imagine your team would be getting frustrated if that’s also happening at {!Company}!
We’ve developed our solution to support leading enterprises such as {!Customer 1}, {!Customer 2} and {!Customer 3} with stability, security, and reliability in mind so you won’t have these problems with {!Your Company}.
Are you available early next week to discuss why companies like {!Customer 4}, {!Customer 5} and {!Customer 6} moved from {!Competitor} to {!Your Company} this year? If not, please let us know when’s best to reconnect.
5. Send Your Recipient Help (But Don’t Bombard Them)
Here’s an example of how a little help goes a long way:
Techniques that make this email work:
- Addresses recipient’s concerns: What better way to show someone you know them than to state outright the questions that keep them up at night? Hint: use “we” only if you’re in the same department as your recipient. If you aren’t, use “you” instead.
- Shares helpful content: When you do something for someone (direct them to content that helps them in their job), they feel obliged to do something for you (reply to you).
- Leaves communication open: Emphasizing that something (in this case, having a call) is optional actually increases people’s desire to agree.
The Cold Email Template:
Hi {!First Name},
As we look to {!year or quarter}, our {!team recipient is on} has a lot to think about and prioritize. {!Question 1} {!Question 2} {!Question 3}
Since so many of the companies we work with are asking the same questions-I thought you would appreciate a couple of articles on building on those strategies:
- {!Link to content 1} – {!type of content}
- {!Link to content 2} – {!type of content}
- {!Link to content 3} – {!type of content}
{!Pain points} (Grab 15 minutes on my calendar here this week for a free trial of {!product} if interested – {!link to calendar}.)
Tip: How to create Gmail templates.
6. Use Statistics in Your Cold Email Template To Show Them They’re Not Alone
Research proves we’re more motivated by pain than pleasure. First, use statistical evidence to hit your prospect’s pain point. Next, help them envision how your product will help them solve it.
Here’s a sales email that shows how you can use statistics to persuade:
How it works:
- Statistics: Performance statistics catch our attention and give whoever uses them an aura of authenticity. Here, they serve as the hook and introduce the problem.
- Reality about most teams: Here, you use another statistic to show that you aren’t alone. Times are tough for most teams. But they don’t have to be; there’s a way that you can come out ahead of the rest…
- Includes benefits: Then, pose your benefits so they become the easy way out of tough reality. Like when you see a Sarah McLachlan commercial and feel the impulse to sign up for a monthly donation. Case in point: that commercial raised $30 million dollars.
Cold email template:
Hi {!First Name},
On average, {!pain point statistic}. Is {!Their company} achieving its goals?
{!Statistic about most teams}.
{!benefits of your service}. {!pain points company relieves}.
{!accomplishments of company}. If you are looking to {!achieve what product serves}, it would be great to connect for a 15 minute call next week.
7. Do Their Homework For Them To Win Their Trust
We listen to those who know us well.
Use this to your advantage by doing some quick homework on your prospect to show them you know them. If you’re in the SaaS space, Ghostery shows you which tools they’re currently using. Your email should refer to a specific tool in your first paragraph (“JayBase” in the example below — names are changed).
Then, it should segue into the “easier way to manage things” end picture, painted with a customer story, a description of benefits, and what’s in it for the team.
Why this is an effective cold email:
- Identifies service that the company uses: This establishes familiarity. It’s scientifically proven that we give preference to things and people we’re familiar with, which leads to comfort.
- Envisions the end picture: Like a fortune-teller, help them glimpse to the future. Show how great their life will be with your product. Note: This persuasive technique only works if you have the right claims and credentials. No grasping at straws.
Cold Email Template:
Hi {!First Name},
This might sound impossible but this is {!service} made easy. {!What you do + hyperlink}.
You can {!action your product allows}.
In addition to this {!benefit of product}. This will {!pain point relieved}.
If this sounds like something that will make your life a whole lot better let’s chat for 15 minutes this week. How does your calendar look this {!day of week}?
Here’s an easy place to revisit all of these templates later.
- Always personalize: No shame in owning up to your research (company website, LinkedIn, etc). Flattery is always well-accepted whether it’s sincere or not. This means addressing your prospect directly and including their company name throughout the email.
- Grab their attention: Use their interests, idols, or favorite sports teams to stand out. An enticing subject line will also ensure your email stands out in your prospect’s inbox, increasing the open rate of your cold email campaign.
- Use tools to your advantage: Save the best cold email templates and one-click insert them into emails. Right from your email compose.
- Follow up strategically: Use email tracking to identify which of your prospects have interacted with your mail most and those more likely to be receptive to a follow-up email.
Want to save yourself hours of time and try automating an entire drip email campaign in minutes, right from your Gmail or Outlook inbox?
- Just go here to start a free trial of Yesware.
- Then, open a new Campaign (you’ll see a button at the top of your inbox).
- Paste a template from above into the email body.
- From there, use a CSV file like this one to organize the merge fields and tie them to your email (note: you can insert entire customized sentences like in the examples above).
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